pbertner: Fly with cordyceps infection (Ophiocordyceps dipterigena)
pbertner: Ctenid with cordyceps infection 1
pbertner: Cricket infected with cordyceps fungus
pbertner: Neriidae with entomopathogenic fungus
pbertner: Wasp with cordyceps fungus (Ophiocordyceps humbertii)
pbertner: Dronefly infected with cordyceps
pbertner: Ophiocordyceps caloceroides
pbertner: Cricket with entomopathogenic fungus (Stibella sp.?)
pbertner: Cricket with cordyceps fungus
pbertner: Caterpillar infected with cordyceps fungus
pbertner: Bullet ant (Paraponera clavata) infected with cordyceps fungus (Ophiocordyceps ponerinarum)
pbertner: Wasp with arthrophagic fungus
pbertner: Spider with arachnophagic fungus (Gibellula sp.)
pbertner: Cockroach with cordyceps fungus (Ophiocordyceps blattae)
pbertner: Crab orbweaver (Micrathena sp.) with arachnophagic fungus
pbertner: Bullet ant (Paraponera clavata) with cordyceps infection (Ophiocordyceps ponerianum)
pbertner: Cricket with entomopathogenic fungus
pbertner: Weevil infected with cordyceps fungus (Ophiocordyceps curculionidae)
pbertner: Carpenter ant (Camponotus sp.) with cordyceps infection
pbertner: Ichneumonid wasp with entomopathogenic fungus
pbertner: Beetle grub with Cordyceps infection
pbertner: Grasshopper with cordyceps infection (Ophiocordyceps locustophilia)
pbertner: Weevil with cordyceps fungus (Ophiocordyceps curculionum)
pbertner: Harvestman infected with entomopathogenic fungus
pbertner: Cordyceps fruiting body
pbertner: Cockroach with entomopathogenic fungus
pbertner: Weevil with cordyceps infection
pbertner: Cordyceps infecting a beetle grub lodged in the bark
pbertner: Stick insect with entomopathogenic fungus
pbertner: Grasshopper infected with cordyceps fungus (Cordyceps locustiphila)