Norbert Wegner: sunset in the city
HRN.POSHOR: 2025 01 19 Looking down
Renee's Moment: Mount Assiniboine Sunset (EXPLORED)
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *snow fields at the foot of the Peitlerkofel*
2D110: Sur le lac
gerd.keilen: Simply a star!
Heiko Röbke: colour rush!
Of Light & Lenses: Grey Heron
anette.volker: Mein Schatz!
vgv2009: Bread and apples
Martin Bärtges: Ice pieces on a branch
W_von_S: Museu do Amanhã - Rio de Janeiro
2D110: Hortensia givré
Tonino A: Metallic dandelions bouquet/Bouquet de pissenlits métalliques
2D110: Cristaux de glace
Norbert Kaiser: Eine Insel mit zwei Bergen...
AstroBackyard: Lower's Nebula (Sharpless 261)
AnBind: Föhre mit Raureif
Nils Steiner: Morning light
Meinersmann, Thomas: Tiger and Turtle
2D110: Photographer
ketil.melby: Røytjern (Explored)
MecCanon: Silent Night
Tobias Rengers: icy January
johaennesy: Fern-sicht
Taz !: Cold and gold
Martin Bärtges: The grey heron on its vantage point