raine*: acorn hat
raine*: birdhouse
raine*: birdie in grey
raine*: black and white oak
raine*: bullrushes and ducks
raine*: buttertubs creek
raine*: off trail
raine*: buttertubs drainage
raine*: oak leaves at buttertubs
raine*: shadows and light
raine*: yellow tree blue sky
raine*: boxing day at buttertubs
raine*: sticks
raine*: shack island in blue
raine*: lookout in the distance
raine*: blue boy in the marsh
raine*: frosty heron
raine*: gucky berries
raine*: past their best
raine*: all that's left for rain to fall on
raine*: seed pods on boxing day
raine*: dead at buttertubs
raine*: birdie in a tree
raine*: another path at buttertubs
raine*: encroaching snow
raine*: more berries
raine*: pigeons freakin out
raine*: leafy
raine*: buttertubs path
raine*: flooding