Robert Scales: DMTs love Finn
Robert Scales: Stefan teaches Finn how to service regulators
Robert Scales: Baz, happy to reunite with Finn!
Robert Scales: Finn's little helper!
Robert Scales: Finn says "Perfect buoyancy Niels!"
Robert Scales: Brandon from PADI with Finn
Robert Scales: Vimal and Finn
Robert Scales: Finn is happy not to be on the menu!
Robert Scales: Finn is too cool for the Business Academy!
Robert Scales: Nina and Finn's love at first site!
Robert Scales: Nina and Natalie with Finn.
Robert Scales: Finn's helping Teagan with her dive theory
Robert Scales: Lending a hand to Glen.. Finn is a good plush friend!
Robert Scales: Finn helping Victoria clean the beach
Robert Scales: Finn on a tree
Robert Scales: Eco Internship NIels with Finn, Nina and Natalie durring the beach clean up!
Robert Scales: Finn leading the beach cleanup
Robert Scales: FReddy and Finn at the IDC
Robert Scales: IDC Candidate Finn Aware
Robert Scales: TMac with Finn and Blue Season Achievement Certificate for raising over $4000.00 in December 2011 for Project AWARE
Robert Scales: IMGP0043
Robert Scales: Bubblemaker Guss with finn durring a snorkle practice!