RainAtDawn: Bye bye Scotland
RainAtDawn: She was not happy about getting her photograph taken
RainAtDawn: Please ensure your seat backs and tray tables are in the upright position
RainAtDawn: A taste of things to come
RainAtDawn: Flying into a dream
RainAtDawn: This guy wasn't too happy about the camera either
RainAtDawn: Charles de Gaulle
RainAtDawn: Anticipation
RainAtDawn: Looking for the RER
RainAtDawn: This guy was H U N G R Y
RainAtDawn: Arrived to get me
RainAtDawn: So this is what a UK salary's worth of rent will get you in Paris' 2nd arrondissement
RainAtDawn: This is home for me
RainAtDawn: I can see the Eiffel Tower from here!
RainAtDawn: Football on the beach, in the forest
RainAtDawn: Stoner rock
RainAtDawn: Gender roles
RainAtDawn: Beach soccer
RainAtDawn: Around the campfire
RainAtDawn: Prep area and bar
RainAtDawn: The hungry mob
RainAtDawn: Magic Roundabout
RainAtDawn: Lonely minstrel
RainAtDawn: The morning after
RainAtDawn: What's wrong with this picture?
RainAtDawn: Up on high
RainAtDawn: Young love
RainAtDawn: Does this look comfortable to you?
RainAtDawn: First night in Paris
RainAtDawn: Ominent omnipotent