Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: Woodchip train Kattaning 9 12 2014
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: SCT 007 Port Germein 9 8 2015
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: SCT 006 Port germien 9 8 2015
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: P 2515 Kattaning 29 3 2010
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: P 2509 Kattaning 3 6 2013
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: DBZ 2307 Albany 1 9 2014
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: CBH 013 Wagin 20 3 2015
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: CBH 012 Broomehill 18 7 2013 POsted
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: Albany Wood Chip Train 2019
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: Albany Wood Chip Train 2019
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: CBH 2 CBH 16 ALB 1218 (3)
Railways of Australia by Daryle Phillips: CBH 2 CBH 16 ALB 1218 (1)