JB9321 D1563 AB1532 AA1519 AA1518 AA1517, AA1516 and WMD wagons for export to Chile North Wharf September 5th 1998
618 117 NR30 NR89 on 6PM5 shunting at the south end of Forrestfield on 3 August 2007 NR30 later failed
JB9319 AA1515 & A1512 AA1515 A1512 D1563 AB1532 AA1519 AA1518 AA1517, AA1516 and WMD wagons for export to Chile North Wharf September 5th 1998
616 113 P2517 DBZ2308 on 3314 grain train unloaded at MGC then seen running to Kwinana at the south end of Forrestfield on 31 July 2007
JB9317 AA1515 A1512 D1563 AB1532 AA1519 AA1518 AA1517, AA1516, Locomotives and wagons for export to Chile North Wharf 5 September 1988
613 107 ADP103 Australind trial train number 58015 hauled by EMU set number 40 to Cannington seen Cannington on 31 July 2007
612 106 ADP103 Australind trial train number 58015 hauled by EMU set number 40 to Cannington seen Cannington on 31 July 2007
JB9314 AA1516, AA1517, AA1518, AA1519 , AB1532 & D1563 North Wharf for export September 5th 1998
JB9315 AA1516, AA1517, AA1518, AA1519, AB1532, D1563, A1512, & AA1515 stored North Wharf September 5th 1998