railphotoart: Railroaders: The Catalog
railphotoart: Railroaders: Jack Delano's Homefront Photography
railphotoart: Railroaders: Sinise Family
railphotoart: Railroaders: On the Trains
railphotoart: Railroaders: At the Station
railphotoart: Railroaders: In the Yards
railphotoart: Phil Sullivan, executive director of the North American Railway Foundation, a longtime Center supporter
railphotoart: Russell Lewis, executive vice president of the museum
railphotoart: John Gruber, left, with Pablo Delano and family
railphotoart: Model rail yard in "Around the Yards"
railphotoart: Attendees at the preview reception
railphotoart: Gallery entrance with Tamara Biggs, director of exhibitions
railphotoart: Attendees at dinner, including Ann and Hyde Perce at left
railphotoart: John Gruber, Jack Holzhueter, and Pablo Delano
railphotoart: Craig Sinise, left, and Jack Sinise
railphotoart: Caboose Environment
railphotoart: Charles Sawer's portrait in the "At the Station" section
railphotoart: Tamara Gruber, left, with the model rail yard
railphotoart: Viewing the newsreel video
railphotoart: Model rail yard feature in "Around the Yards"
railphotoart: Visitors explore "Around the Yards"
railphotoart: Dick Gruber, son of John Gruber
railphotoart: Scott Lothes, reflecting on the exhibition
railphotoart: Scott Lothes, president and executive director of the Center
railphotoart: Scott Lothes leading a tour of the exhibition
railphotoart: Pablo Delano, right, son of Jack Delano with his family
railphotoart: Attendees viewing the exhibition catalog
railphotoart: Patrick Waldron, left, of the CN with Bon French
railphotoart: Wes Lujan, left, presents Union Pacific's check to Bon French
railphotoart: Union Pacific presented Bon French with a commemorative coin