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DUMP 5 by Eddy Pula
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Eddy Pula
A Marathon of Film and FIlmmaking
Eddy Pula
Eddy Pula
not quite the book of revelations
Eddy Pula
whore's ass
Eddy Pula
self portrait as viviane mairer
Eddy Pula
we are printing them wet here in the acme darkroom today
Eddy Pula
tell her a joke and watch her laugh
Eddy Pula
top to bottom
Eddy Pula
legs and unicorns
Eddy Pula
6 feet of dirt and $400 make us all the same size
Eddy Pula
I photograph people drinking
Eddy Pula
titled changed for political reasons
Eddy Pula
did I break it yet
Eddy Pula
look at those gams
Eddy Pula
portrait of the artist as a satisfied man
Eddy Pula
ghost protocol
Eddy Pula
meowmento mori
Eddy Pula
nothing is ever really lost in the glare
Eddy Pula
Eddy Pula
too much photoshop
Eddy Pula
jairs a peeper
Eddy Pula
Eddy Pula
too much light hurts labradoodles
Eddy Pula
Eddy Pula
mike connors is a REAL mutha funker
Eddy Pula
Eddy Pula
both are true