Jordi@photos: alla on seia el pintor - where the painter was sitting
Jordi@photos: paret pintada i papers -wall painted and notes
Jordi@photos: un lloc per la foto - a place for photo
Jordi@photos: pintura i all-i-oli - all-i-oli on paint
Jordi@photos: expo solar- sun exhibition
Jordi@photos: dani on wall
Jordi@photos: cel obert
Jordi@photos: a punt per viatjar -ready to travel
Jordi@photos: cadira i llum - chair and light
Jordi@photos: diana al cuadrat
Jordi@photos: cadira - chair
Jordi@photos: blau assegut - sitting blue
Jordi@photos: muy fragil
Jordi@photos: textures and colors on floor
Jordi@photos: argimon
Jordi@photos: les petxades del pintor - the painter trace
Jordi@photos: el raco somrient de l´estudi - the studio´s smiling corner
Jordi@photos: bermell-blanc i ocre - red-white and ocre
Jordi@photos: mirall trencat - broken mirror
Jordi@photos: pintura - collage (daniel argimon)
Jordi@photos: shoting photograher,dangerous selfportrait (dani´s box)
Jordi@photos: quadre groc i finestra - yellow painting and window
Jordi@photos: cadira,colors i textures - chair,colours and textures
Jordi@photos: color i materia - materials and color
Jordi@photos: estudi-puzzle - studio´s puzzle
Jordi@photos: l´ultima de l´estudi - the studio´s last (dani´s blues)