Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 Returns to Ballarat
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 at Ballarat North
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 at Ballarat North Junction
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: Selkirk Brickworks
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: Railway Crossing at Sulky
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 Departing Sulky
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: View From the Cab
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 at Ballarat East
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 at Ballarat East
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 Departing Sulky
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 at Baccus Marsh
Trent "Raichase" Nicholson: K153 at Baccus Marsh