Rahxy: This may be the only picture you see from me this year with green grass under my feet! Ohhhh Texas droughts.
Rahxy: Dyed my hurr, guys! Its not super drastic, but its a lot more red than my natural mousey color Lol :3
Rahxy: Ahmg new shirt and sexy pose 8D
Rahxy: My dad and my boyfriend playing some chess. Quality time after my dad got out of the hospital. :)
Rahxy: Our soon to be new truck! A friend is holding it for us until we get the money in a week or two. It looks rough, but she's sexy in the cab and under the hood, where it counts! Most of the innards have been semi recently replaced. And its an F-150. Won't g
Rahxy: Lines done! I'll have to color them when I get home tomorrow.
Rahxy: Been drawing again! Now if I could just stay on it, Id be good. These seriously took 3 to 5 minutes each. I'm happy with them!
Rahxy: Sunset on Easter Eve
Rahxy: Derp.
Rahxy: Ladybug butt!!!!
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Rahxy: The rosemary is blooming! C:
Rahxy: upload
Rahxy: Bees on our garlic chives. :D
Rahxy: The only flowers around here right now. So pretty!
Rahxy: GEDC0159