RahulG.: Nik loves his OJ
RahulG.: Skelleton of Mini Moose
RahulG.: Happy Cheetah with dead Deer
RahulG.: Hippo!
RahulG.: National Archive
RahulG.: Nik Trying to hold the Washington Monument
RahulG.: 2nd attempt at trying to hold the monument
RahulG.: Now he's trying to lean against the monument
RahulG.: Old Plane
RahulG.: Spirit of St. Louis
RahulG.: Massive Old Super Computer
RahulG.: X10
RahulG.: super sonic fighter
RahulG.: satellite
RahulG.: the exaust from the spae shuttle
RahulG.: NCLB entrance to Dept. of Education
RahulG.: Capitol building in the distance
RahulG.: The Castle
RahulG.: Big Spider
RahulG.: Washington Monument
RahulG.: More of the Capitol Building
RahulG.: Hazy Capitol
RahulG.: Nik also loves his water
RahulG.: boo Towson
RahulG.: FDIC!
RahulG.: OEOB
RahulG.: Organization of American States
RahulG.: White House
RahulG.: More Monument
RahulG.: Michaelango