Rahim Rahman: Devil's Tower
Rahim Rahman: Our campsite
Rahim Rahman: Devil's Tower from the lodge
Rahim Rahman: Me (before shot)
Rahim Rahman: Curt (rope gun), Caroline and Eric
Rahim Rahman: Me belaying
Rahim Rahman: Me belaying and posing
Rahim Rahman: Caroline (before shot)
Rahim Rahman: Eric (before shot)
Rahim Rahman: CLIMB ON!
Rahim Rahman: El Cracko Diablo
Rahim Rahman: Reaching...
Rahim Rahman: Poser!
Rahim Rahman: Bomber hold!
Rahim Rahman: Another bomber hold!
Rahim Rahman: Eric climbing
Rahim Rahman: Tackling the crack!
Rahim Rahman: What's a climbing picture without butt shot?
Rahim Rahman: John, my guide
Rahim Rahman: Holy Shit! That's high!
Rahim Rahman: On Bailey direct
Rahim Rahman: Climb on!
Rahim Rahman: Hug that rock!
Rahim Rahman: Curt catching up!
Rahim Rahman: Another posing shot!
Rahim Rahman: Taking rope off at the summit
Rahim Rahman: Summit shot
Rahim Rahman: Hmm... what to do now?
Rahim Rahman: Curt, Caroline and Eric summit.
Rahim Rahman: Me and my guide, John