Rahim Rahman: Eric boiling water using his beer stove
Rahim Rahman: Nina lounging
Rahim Rahman: Caroline lounging
Rahim Rahman: My nalgene bottle - artistic shot?
Rahim Rahman: Eric climbing Neuveau Tradition
Rahim Rahman: What is he hanging on to?
Rahim Rahman: Hand match
Rahim Rahman: Monkey shot?
Rahim Rahman: Posing!
Rahim Rahman: Caroline on Neuveau Tradition
Rahim Rahman: Still climbing
Rahim Rahman: Testing hand hold
Rahim Rahman: Next move
Rahim Rahman: Me on Neaveau Tradition
Rahim Rahman: Matching hands
Rahim Rahman: Eyeing that next move
Rahim Rahman: Right hand here...
Rahim Rahman: Left hand there
Rahim Rahman: "I found something on the rock!"
Rahim Rahman: "Oh! Hi"
Rahim Rahman: Poser!
Rahim Rahman: Eric sleeping
Rahim Rahman: Lounging
Rahim Rahman: Caroline on a 5.8 route
Rahim Rahman: At the anchor
Rahim Rahman: Eric on 5.8 route
Rahim Rahman: Caroline on California Ethic Pinnacle