rjrahardjo: 001/365 cleaning and upgrade 2015
rjrahardjo: 002/365 homemade cinnamon bagels
rjrahardjo: 003/365 i helped someone on fb with spinning
rjrahardjo: 004/365 cold here
rjrahardjo: 005/365 photoshoot at work for company website
rjrahardjo: 006/365 2 weeks notice for janitor
rjrahardjo: 007/365 new business cards, new website, and photos
rjrahardjo: 008/365 stir fry noodle
rjrahardjo: 009/365 friday night after first week with new co-worker
rjrahardjo: 010/365 iface iphone6 case
rjrahardjo: 011/365 his first trip to twin cities outlet mall and mostly his last visit
rjrahardjo: 012/365 behind every mistake, there's always silver lining. withought mistakes/failures, there's no room to grow
rjrahardjo: 013/365 bud button taken away
rjrahardjo: 014/365 lighting micro usb adapter and ootz angle plus
rjrahardjo: 015/365 last day to spin 8oz yellow merino silk, started a new spinning project, and ramen night
rjrahardjo: 016/365 iface phone cases and matching bud buttons
rjrahardjo: 017/365 a visit to united noodle
rjrahardjo: 018/365 knit spin with a friend
rjrahardjo: 019/365 timeful to-do merged to google calendar
rjrahardjo: 020/365 came home to onigiri.
rjrahardjo: 021/365 anniversary and ring light
rjrahardjo: 022/365 too much office time
rjrahardjo: 023/365 hamburg
rjrahardjo: 024/365 an office/gaming chair for hubby
rjrahardjo: 025/365 dimsum and laptop problem
rjrahardjo: 026/365 morning meetings
rjrahardjo: 027/365 a friend's cat passed away
rjrahardjo: 027/365 Thursday. It's raining on the way home.
rjrahardjo: 028/365 no wifi in my room but my phone can browse internet just fine
rjrahardjo: 029/365 soft shell tacos