rjrahardjo: Ashland bay merino in black
rjrahardjo: Started spinning black merino for hubby's new hat. Co-worker asked "are you spinning hair?" #lol #spinning #tibetanspindle #supportspindle
rjrahardjo: wip: ashland bay merino in black
rjrahardjo: 2nd single done #supportspindle #spindle #spinning #tibetanspindle #merino #black #handspun
rjrahardjo: 030/365 all 3 singles spun. 4oz black ashland bay merino. #supportspindle #tibetanspindle #spinning #handspun
rjrahardjo: wip: black ashland bay merino. ready to be plied
rjrahardjo: wip: black ashland bay merino. ready to be plied
rjrahardjo: Plying black merino for hubby's hat. I think it'll bloom and bouncy when it hits water. #spinning #plying #handspun
rjrahardjo: Let's the finishing process begin. Niddy noddy, wash, measuring #spinning #handspun #craft
rjrahardjo: 192 wraps on 2yd niddy noddy?! Ummm i must have counted wrong. I'll use home made yarn measurer once it's washed and dried #handspun #spinning #craft
rjrahardjo: 047/365 Home made yarn meter says 337.7 m. 11-13 wpi. 106g or 3.7oz. More dk weight ish. #handspun #spinning #craft
rjrahardjo: handspun Ashland bay merino solid- black
rjrahardjo: handspun Ashland Bay Merino solid- black
rjrahardjo: handspun Ashland Bay merino solid -black
rjrahardjo: handspun Ashland Bay Merino solid -black
rjrahardjo: ashland bay polwarth/silk 80/20
rjrahardjo: 293/366 in sick day. Can't think straight. So focus on spinning polwarth/silk. I think this is thinner than my last lace yarn. #spinning #supportspindle #handspun
rjrahardjo: This polwarth/silk is a joy to spin. #spinning #handspun
rjrahardjo: wip: polwarth silk
rjrahardjo: Winding onto bobbin. 1oz of this seems forever #handspun #supportspindle #pocketwheel #spinning
rjrahardjo: Finished spinning single of 2oz polwarth/silk. #supportspindle #polwarthsilk #handspun #spindle #spinning
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rjrahardjo: I can't imagine the day I have to ply this. It'll take forever. Last lace 2 handspun was 1200yd/4oz. So I am estimating maybe 1500yd/4oz. Impossible?
rjrahardjo: Spindle got bit heavy to twirl. Changed to russian spindle. #supportspindle #russianspindle #polwarthsilk #spinning #handspun with @janelrenee
rjrahardjo: I should start studying for final on Monday. But i don't want to cos .... #cats #kitties #supportspindle #russianspindle #spinning
rjrahardjo: wip: polwarth/silk on Malcolm Spielding support spindle. #supportspindle #spindle #craft #spin #handspun
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rjrahardjo: 051/365 ashland bay polwarth/silk all single spun about 4oz #supportspindle #russianspindle #tibetanspindle #spinning #handspun
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