rjrahardjo: 043/366 first shot taken for photography night e-class by Kent Weakley
rjrahardjo: blue hour experiment at where we knit weekly
rjrahardjo: another blue hour experiment. added bonus a star
rjrahardjo: shot a quater cresent moon
rjrahardjo: 048/366 shot a quarter crescent moon
rjrahardjo: testing portrait shot with blue hour background
rjrahardjo: twinkle twinkle little star
rjrahardjo: 053/366 twinkle twinkle little star
rjrahardjo: 058/366 experiment with light painting
rjrahardjo: 2nd attempt to take a portrait at night with high depth of field
rjrahardjo: 061/366 3rd attempt to shoot a portrait at night with shallow depth of field
rjrahardjo: experiment with light painting #2
rjrahardjo: moon almost full
rjrahardjo: 066/366 shit! terminator is coming!!!
rjrahardjo: 066/366 light orb. Experimenting with light painting
rjrahardjo: 068/366 full moon
rjrahardjo: ambient light (sun) and with fill flash
rjrahardjo: ambient light (sun) killed with flash
rjrahardjo: 074/366 experiment #2 killing ambient light with flash
rjrahardjo: Experimenting with killing ambient light (sun) with flash
rjrahardjo: 072/366 experiment #1 killing ambient light with flash
rjrahardjo: 072/366 killed ambient light
rjrahardjo: 072/366 ambient light available
rjrahardjo: long exposure at clear night.
rjrahardjo: 096/366 shooting full moon during available daylight
rjrahardjo: 106/366 a rainbow after thunderstorm
rjrahardjo: got Go?
rjrahardjo: regular exposure before changing camera settings to fake black background technique
rjrahardjo: fake black background technique
rjrahardjo: using fake black background tech