rjrahardjo: sock cuff change tutorial
rjrahardjo: WS of cuff
rjrahardjo: ends unweaved
rjrahardjo: examine how many rows
rjrahardjo: inserting life line
rjrahardjo: lifeline inserted
rjrahardjo: another side view of lifeline
rjrahardjo: cut the cuff about 0.75in to1in
rjrahardjo: unravel the sts.
rjrahardjo: the unraveling is stable.
rjrahardjo: unravel to safetly line
rjrahardjo: insert needle or dpn
rjrahardjo: all sts on needle
rjrahardjo: take off the lifeline
rjrahardjo: start knitting with new yarn for cuff
rjrahardjo: cuff is now in different color