ragsmaloy: Rainbow through Yosemite
ragsmaloy: Vancoover from the air
ragsmaloy: Airial view of Vancoover
ragsmaloy: Airial view of Vancoover
ragsmaloy: Golden Gate bridge II
ragsmaloy: IMGP0849
ragsmaloy: Sun off a stream
ragsmaloy: IMGP0853
ragsmaloy: Black & White arch
ragsmaloy: B&W arch bridge
ragsmaloy: Waterfall
ragsmaloy: IMGP0871
ragsmaloy: Gorge
ragsmaloy: B&W stream
ragsmaloy: Climbing the slope
ragsmaloy: Dead tree falls
ragsmaloy: Waterfall
ragsmaloy: Chipmonk
ragsmaloy: IMGP0927
ragsmaloy: Rapids under a bridge
ragsmaloy: IMGP0931
ragsmaloy: B&W stream
ragsmaloy: Filtered fern
ragsmaloy: Distant waterfall
ragsmaloy: B&W of Yosemite waterfall
ragsmaloy: Tree on the cliff edge
ragsmaloy: Sunbathing chipmonk
ragsmaloy: Mossy tree
ragsmaloy: Scraggly bush
ragsmaloy: IMGP0984