ragnebl: In the mist...
ragnebl: Frozen soap bubbles in the snow...
ragnebl: The Snow Queen's Jewels
ragnebl: Remnants of summer
ragnebl: Travelling through time and space
ragnebl: Lost in the fog
ragnebl: Lost in the fog
ragnebl: Oslo by night
ragnebl: Oslo by night
ragnebl: Oslo by night
ragnebl: Oslo by night
ragnebl: Common field grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus)
ragnebl: Nocturne
ragnebl: Where do I go from here? ...
ragnebl: Rhopalus subrufus
ragnebl: Plant eruption :-)
ragnebl: Lily of the valley
ragnebl: IMG_1038 kopi
ragnebl: At the beach