aaRJay fotography: Rheumy eyes, Wry smile
aaRJay fotography: Vagaries of old age...
aaRJay fotography: Future, Tense
aaRJay fotography: Rain Shade
aaRJay fotography: Ginger Planting
aaRJay fotography: The wrong side of life
aaRJay fotography: 309 - The AT&T Twins
aaRJay fotography: 329 - Dialogs with Oneself
aaRJay fotography: 298 - Dr. Shin
aaRJay fotography: 278 - Son in the Sun
aaRJay fotography: 301 - Future Receiver
aaRJay fotography: 268 - Crying Fire
aaRJay fotography: 235 - With friends like this...
aaRJay fotography: 244 - The Tale of Sathyanarayana
aaRJay fotography: 257 - Prince Kong
aaRJay fotography: 194 - Love on the water
aaRJay fotography: 070 - Out of the Flames...
aaRJay fotography: 068 - Passion
aaRJay fotography: 060 - The Leo
aaRJay fotography: 059 - Music
aaRJay fotography: 003 - Gameday in Aggieland.