Ragani: Base Tent
Ragani: Bryce and Will entertain Michelle
Ragani: Elizabeth
Ragani: Viktor and Kate chillin'
Ragani: Bryce and Will
Ragani: Base camp
Ragani: Out of uniform!
Ragani: Listing to interview skills
Ragani: Listing to interview skills
Ragani: Listing to interview skills
Ragani: Coyote sighting
Ragani: Coyote sighting
Ragani: Coyote sighting
Ragani: Coyote sighting
Ragani: Sntjohn, the SaR dog in training
Ragani: Lisa Lee, CORDA Rep
Ragani: Chad talking with CORDA Rep
Ragani: Chad talking with CORDA Rep
Ragani: Hanging at camp
Ragani: Hanging at camp
Ragani: What is that behind the table?
Ragani: Look, a bear!
Ragani: There he goes
Ragani: He found a pack
Ragani: What, you don't want me pawing your pack?
Ragani: But, I needed some echinacia
Ragani: Hmm... what's in this tent?
Ragani: Bye bye, bear
Ragani: IMG_0768.JPG
Ragani: IMG_0769.JPG