RafterH: Deck scene
RafterH: Just about ready...
RafterH: Fat side up...
RafterH: Nice 17 lb.'r from Costco
RafterH: Low and slow.....
RafterH: Scene of the crime...
RafterH: All the "kids"....
RafterH: When are we gonna' eat.....?
RafterH: Workin' on some munchies....and cerveza!
RafterH: Suzie chowin' down...
RafterH: Butch & grandson....
RafterH: Time to eat.....
RafterH: Cole & Summer diggin' in...
RafterH: Uh.....how do you do this...???
RafterH: Still trying yo uncrate the kids toys...
RafterH: Still trying....
RafterH: Butch coming to "supervise"...
RafterH: Hold on kids...Granny's workin' on it...!
RafterH: Sam says..."let me show you...!"
RafterH: Before.....
RafterH: ....after...
RafterH: Peace......brother...!!!