rafta: ready to run
rafta: the line-up of witnesses
rafta: lovely, loving couple
rafta: good cake
rafta: happy groom and i!
rafta: happy groom and i! (2)
rafta: champ (and bubbs)
rafta: champagne
rafta: champagne (2)
rafta: champ line
rafta: champagne (3)
rafta: base, stem and glass
rafta: plate o' fruit goodness
rafta: dance dance you happy couple!
rafta: dance and fall into each other's eyes
rafta: first dance as mr and mrs
rafta: stem, champagne, and bubbles
rafta: the giddy surface
rafta: miniscule bubbler
rafta: darting streams (of bubbles)
rafta: prep for take-off
rafta: is this a bee?
rafta: green bee
rafta: green bee (2)
rafta: green bee (3)
rafta: this was on my jacket...
rafta: green bee (4)
rafta: it really was that vivid green
rafta: this bug moved quickly
rafta: joe and i (happy bachelors at a wedding)