rafta: Spontaneous sunlight through a power cable holder thingy
rafta: Pond by REI parking complex.
rafta: Excited about visiting REI...
rafta: Path to the REI
rafta: REI from the outside
rafta: An artists conception
rafta: REI l'original
rafta: for texture
rafta: DSC03822.JPG
rafta: ghosts in a city window2
rafta: Ghosts in the city window
rafta: Waiting for the excellence
rafta: White Velvet
rafta: Work of art to many senses
rafta: Photo-ing Phil and Phil's beverage
rafta: Lem and Caffe Caramel
rafta: Phil and Eggnog Latte
rafta: Coffee shop photo
rafta: Uh.. the guys.
rafta: group shot (w/o flash)
rafta: yay group shot!~
rafta: group shot (flash)
rafta: w00t w0000t
rafta: Cool buff wearers (cool like other people like us).
rafta: It's a LINJA~!
rafta: Linja! ~watchout!!!~
rafta: So french!2
rafta: So french!
rafta: So french!3
rafta: Blurry Spaced-out Needle (and building!)