Raf76: IMG_0106
Raf76: Taxi-boat capitan looking for passangers
Raf76: Last fishing before a monsun rain
Raf76: IMG_1744
Raf76: They say jump!
Raf76: Last fisihing before the evening monsun rain
Raf76: Chill-out mood on Koh Tao island.
Raf76: Waiting for a night
Raf76: IMG_1465
Raf76: IMG_0814
Raf76: Roofs of Bangkok
Raf76: IMG_0828
Raf76: IMG_0821
Raf76: IMG_0289
Raf76: Tradition vs skyscrapers
Raf76: IMG_0219
Raf76: IMG_0118
Raf76: IMG_0118
Raf76: IMG_0794
Raf76: IMG_0576
Raf76: IMG_0772
Raf76: IMG_0734
Raf76: IMG_0673
Raf76: IMG_0686
Raf76: IMG_0707
Raf76: IMG_0711
Raf76: IMG_0706
Raf76: IMG_0567
Raf76: IMG_0493
Raf76: IMG_0460