Raffeltje: Behind bars...
Raffeltje: My moon
Raffeltje: Touch the water
Raffeltje: Bokehhh
Raffeltje: Not original, but I had to try: waterlily
Raffeltje: Apple
Raffeltje: Never underestimate the simple things in life
Raffeltje: The storm came
Raffeltje: Farmer's life
Raffeltje: Raindrops of the many rainy days...
Raffeltje: Simplicity
Raffeltje: Where my heart lies
Raffeltje: The sky is...
Raffeltje: Mmmmushroommmms
Raffeltje: My first HDR
Raffeltje: Snow, snow, snow
Raffeltje: Dancing couple
Raffeltje: Race car
Raffeltje: Bubbles
Raffeltje: Full
Raffeltje: 16/365 - Experimenting with my mini-studio
Raffeltje: 13/365 - Out of inspiration
Raffeltje: 14/365 - Note to remember I must love you
Raffeltje: 15/365 - Already really tired
Raffeltje: 9/365 - Perfect time for a cup of tea
Raffeltje: 2/365 - Playing and thinking of music
Raffeltje: In between
Raffeltje: Silver blue