blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: The holey rock #4 | La roca agujereada #4
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: The holey rock #3 | La roca agujereada #3
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: The holey rock #2 | La roca agujereada #2
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: The holey rock #1 | La roca agujereada #1
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Advice inverted. | Consejo invertido.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Instants. | Instantes.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Reddish whisper #6 | Susurro rojizo #6
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Reddish whisper #5 | Susurro rojizo #5
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Reddish whisper #4 | Susurro rojizo #4
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Reddish whisper #3 | Susurro rojizo #3
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Reddish whisper #2 | Susurro rojizo #2
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Reddish whisper #1 | Susurro rojizo #1
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Classical antiquity. | Cultura clásica.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Standing here #1 | Aquí de pie #1
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Standing here #2 | Aquí de pie #2
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Standing here #3 | Aquí de pie #3
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Standing here #4 | Aquí de pie #4
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Across the pillars. | A través de los pilares.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Foliage #5 | Follaje #5
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Foliage #4 | Follaje #4
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Foliage #3 | Follaje #3
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Foliage #2 | Follaje #2
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Foliage #1 | Follaje #1
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Tree howls. | Aullidos de árboles.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Reach out. | Alcánzala.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Flashback #5 Drown. | Ahogarse.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Somewhere over the mist. | En algún lugar sobre la niebla.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Spring rain. | Lluvia de primavera.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Appeasement. | Apaciguado.
blackNOIZE AKA Chasing the exposure: Spilled drops. | Gotas derramadas.