raffaela gottardelli: quilted vase
raffaela gottardelli: quilted vase
raffaela gottardelli: bass guitar gig bag
raffaela gottardelli: raffaela gottardelli
raffaela gottardelli: old jeans bag detail
raffaela gottardelli: bubbles and pebbles above scarabocchio bench
raffaela gottardelli: scarabocchio bench
raffaela gottardelli: zippered pouch
raffaela gottardelli: bass guitar strap
raffaela gottardelli: raffaela gottardelli, rusty pochette
raffaela gottardelli: slow cloth bag
raffaela gottardelli: bass guitar strap
raffaela gottardelli: bass guitar strap
raffaela gottardelli: Slow cloth pencil case
raffaela gottardelli: hand printed canvas backpack
raffaela gottardelli: canvas and leather bag