raffaela gottardelli: red bottoms quilt
raffaela gottardelli: red bottom quilt detail
raffaela gottardelli: seconda visione
raffaela gottardelli: closing time
raffaela gottardelli: a Roussillon
raffaela gottardelli: stained glass quilt with no name
raffaela gottardelli: la strategia del ragno
raffaela gottardelli: jacob's ladder
raffaela gottardelli: bubbles and pebbles
raffaela gottardelli: theoretical white, detail
raffaela gottardelli: theoretical white
raffaela gottardelli: The Winter of our Discontent
raffaela gottardelli: The Winter of our discontent, detail
raffaela gottardelli: The cut up machine
raffaela gottardelli: Metonymy (voices from the past)
raffaela gottardelli: Where have all the flowers gone natural dyed cotton with rust and walnut hull, organza, dyed tyvek, plastic barbed wire, hand stitching and machine quilting
raffaela gottardelli: A paler shade of purple
raffaela gottardelli: The empty mirror, art quilt assemblage
raffaela gottardelli: Pink Connections (it's a women's job)