RafeB: MeeGo Install
RafeB: Boot from USB Stick
RafeB: Details of boot screen
RafeB: MeeGo Boot Screen
RafeB: Details of boot screen
RafeB: MeeGo Install starts up
RafeB: Installation options
RafeB: MeeGo Install
RafeB: Creating the necessary partitions.
RafeB: MeeGo Install
RafeB: MeeGo Install in progress
RafeB: Almost there
RafeB: MeeGo Install completing
RafeB: MeeGo Install completed
RafeB: MeeGo Install completed
RafeB: MeeGo Install - settings
RafeB: MeeGo Install - keyboard type
RafeB: MeeGo Install - timezone
RafeB: MeeGo Install - backtrace collection
RafeB: Backtrace collection details
RafeB: MeeGo Install - User
RafeB: First boot
RafeB: MeeGo home
RafeB: MeeGo update available
RafeB: MeeGo Update availabler
RafeB: Update details
RafeB: MeeGo update details
RafeB: MeeGo Update
RafeB: MeeGo Update
RafeB: MeeGo Update