Rafael Taminato: Still Light Painting (1 of 3)
Rafael Taminato: Still Light Painting (2 of 3)
Rafael Taminato: Still Light Painting (3 of 3)
Rafael Taminato: Jóias still (2 of 2)
Rafael Taminato: Jóias still (1 of 2)
Rafael Taminato: Deborah Lippman
Rafael Taminato: Hits flocado-1
Rafael Taminato: Hits flocado-2
Rafael Taminato: Kleancolor-1
Rafael Taminato: Kleancolor-2
Rafael Taminato: Pingente Colorama
Rafael Taminato: Algae Jewelry (1 of 3)
Rafael Taminato: Algae Jewelry (2 of 3)
Rafael Taminato: Algae Jewelry (3 of 3)
Rafael Taminato: Risqué
Rafael Taminato: Risqué
Rafael Taminato: Risqué
Rafael Taminato: Hits no Olimpo
Rafael Taminato: Zoya Shawn Still
Rafael Taminato: Top Beauty - Paetê
Rafael Taminato: Impala Rebelde
Rafael Taminato: Impala Rebelde
Rafael Taminato: Mohda duochrome
Rafael Taminato: Colorama - Rode a Baiana é carnaval!
Rafael Taminato: Colorama - Rode a Baiana é carnaval!
Rafael Taminato: Hits PPG - Meninas Superpoderosas
Rafael Taminato: Esmaltes Impala - Rebelde
Rafael Taminato: Passe Nati - Eliana
Rafael Taminato: Passe Nati - Sabrina Sato