raemin: Xi'an --- The Wild Goose Tower
raemin: Xi'an--- The Wild Goose Tower
raemin: A place nearby
raemin: The Wild Goose Tower
raemin: 大雁塔北广场 The north square of wild goose tower
raemin: Mind your steps
raemin: Monk Tang
raemin: Shann'xi History Musuem
raemin: Shooting commercial under the Acient Wall of Xi'an
raemin: Here we go!
raemin: The lanterns on the wall
raemin: Take a look around
raemin: Me,taking the gun pic
raemin: 长乐门
raemin: An old building on the ancient wall
raemin: 大红灯笼高高挂1
raemin: 大红灯笼高高挂2
raemin: The model of Huaqing Palace in ancient times
raemin: The pretty models
raemin: Bougainvillea (三角梅)@ Huaqing Palace
raemin: The summer leaves
raemin: Chinese Traditional shoes for kid
raemin: The path to the grave of Emperor Qing