Rad Jose: the Marque
Rad Jose: the Palladium
Rad Jose: Sold out, suckas!
Rad Jose: the sign over the entrance
Rad Jose: The set
Rad Jose: Allison is excited!
Rad Jose: Danielle is a goofball
Rad Jose: a less blurry (but darker) look at the set
Rad Jose: The boys
Rad Jose: Beer at Paddy's
Rad Jose: "Who's the mark?"
Rad Jose: "Take a 5, Just take a 5"
Rad Jose: the Sexing from behind
Rad Jose: McPoyles!
Rad Jose: Charlie's getting frustrated
Rad Jose: Dennis loves his snacks
Rad Jose: the Boy
Rad Jose: the Troll
Rad Jose: the Boy sings
Rad Jose: CIMG4357
Rad Jose: CIMG4358
Rad Jose: CIMG4359
Rad Jose: CIMG4360
Rad Jose: CIMG4361
Rad Jose: CIMG4362
Rad Jose: CIMG4363
Rad Jose: "You gotta pay the Troll Toll"
Rad Jose: CIMG4365
Rad Jose: CIMG4366
Rad Jose: CIMG4367