heatherradish: IMG_8866
heatherradish: I think we've picked up a weirdo here.
heatherradish: Smokey Daydreams
heatherradish: "You said it was cheese..."
heatherradish: Ready for some football
heatherradish: Let Sleeping Cat Lie
heatherradish: Saturday Night House Party
heatherradish: New Mousie
heatherradish: Who dares disturb the great and mighty Smokey?
heatherradish: "I know where you sleep"
heatherradish: Cat with a Magic Hat
heatherradish: IMG_0009
heatherradish: We have to talk.
heatherradish: Storage
heatherradish: Afternoon Nap
heatherradish: Sunday afternoon
heatherradish: Who dares disturb the great and powerful Smokey!?
heatherradish: Hell hath no fury
heatherradish: Go Away
heatherradish: Still Life With Carrot
heatherradish: Light Reading