radiowood: Butehamun worshipping royals II
radiowood: The middle coffin of Kha
radiowood: The false coffin lid of Butehamun
radiowood: Inside the coffin of Butehamun
radiowood: Coffin of Butehamun, Scribe of Deir el-Medina
radiowood: Head of the false coffin lid of Butehamun
radiowood: Butehamun worshipping royals I
radiowood: Ritual of the Opening of the Mouth
radiowood: Coffin head of Butehamun
radiowood: Inner coffin of Butehamun, scribe of Deir el-Medina
radiowood: Head of Butehamun on his inner coffin lid
radiowood: Inner coffin lid of Butehamun, scribe of Deir el-Medina
radiowood: A portion of the Book of the Dead, worn rolled up as an amulet by Butehamun
radiowood: Neckband for wearing the Magical Papyrus of Butehamun
radiowood: Letter from Butehamun to Dhutmose
radiowood: Part of the Book of the Dead of Nebhepet, son of Butehamun
radiowood: The mummy of Kha, architect of Deir el-Medina
radiowood: Head of the coffin of Kha
radiowood: Head of the coffin of Kha
radiowood: Head of the middle coffin of Kha
radiowood: Head of the statue of Kha
radiowood: Statue of Kha, architect of Deir el-Medina
radiowood: The inner coffin of Merit
radiowood: Head of the inner coffin of Merit
radiowood: Funerary stela of Kha, architect of Deir el-Medina, and Merit
radiowood: Right side of the upper register of the funerary stela of Kha and Merit
radiowood: Upper register of the funerary stela of Kha and Merit
radiowood: Left side of the upper register of the funerary stela of Kha and Merit
radiowood: Pyramidion of Ramose
radiowood: Pyramidion of Ramose