radiowood: The Rumelian fortifications built by Mehmet the Conqueror in 1452, the year before he captured Constantinople
radiowood: The dome at Aya Sophia
radiowood: The dome of Aya Sophia, Istanbul
radiowood: Mosaic of the Emperor Constantine, Christ, and the Empress Zoe, Aya Sophia in Istanbul
radiowood: Aya Sophia
radiowood: 360 degree panorama of Aya Sophia
radiowood: Chinese freighter in the Bosphorus
radiowood: The Blue Mosque at night
radiowood: Galata Tower
radiowood: Aya Sophia at night
radiowood: Dervish dolls
radiowood: Anki shopping at the Grand Bazaar
radiowood: Mosaic on the bazaar floor
radiowood: Hungry cat in Istanbul
radiowood: Objects from the Sack of Troy, Mycenaean ware, arrows
radiowood: Local Mycenaean ware at Troy VII (left behind by Agamemnon?)
radiowood: Painting of the Golden Horn above part of the chain that protected it in 1453
radiowood: Making flat bread at the Han Restaurant
radiowood: Tiles at Rüstem Pasha Mosque
radiowood: Rüstem Pasha Mosque
radiowood: Statue of the god Bes from Sidon
radiowood: Cats at the Swedish Consulate
radiowood: Cat on a glass roof
radiowood: Cats at the ministry
radiowood: What about the Olympics?
radiowood: The Blue Mosque in Istanbul on Light It Up Blue for Autism Day