macguys: IMG_2009.JPG
macguys: IMG_1720.JPG
macguys: IMG_1721.JPG
macguys: IMG_1679.JPG
macguys: IMG_1719.JPG
macguys: Racing two single malts.
macguys: IMG_1675.JPG
macguys: Racing two cask strength single malts.
macguys: Communion Cups on the Alter
macguys: Racing three Glenlivet singles.
macguys: IMG_2006.JPG
macguys: The Singles Club
macguys: Racing 12 year olds
macguys: Singles Club
macguys: Singles Club
macguys: Single's club
macguys: Test across the "richness dimension.
macguys: A visitor, but an old friend.
macguys: upload
macguys: IMG_1677.JPG
macguys: The pipette.
macguys: Limoncello outing.
macguys: Field trip to the Lounge at Market Square