RadioKate: Listening to Lori Garver
RadioKate: ISU SSP12 opening ceremony
RadioKate: ISU SSP12 opening ceremony
RadioKate: Romain, looking cool
RadioKate: One the bus to the planetarium
RadioKate: At the Brevard Planetarium
RadioKate: At the Brevard Planetarium
RadioKate: She's electric
RadioKate: She's electric
RadioKate: Nathan Wong, a self-portrait
RadioKate: Kate and Zhuoyan
RadioKate: New SSP12 friends
RadioKate: Florida froggy
RadioKate: NASA guests
RadioKate: Katerina and Gisella rocking their 3D specs
RadioKate: F1 engine, with Romain Charles for scale
RadioKate: Trying a Mercury capsule for size
RadioKate: Trying a Mercury capsule for size
RadioKate: Posing with the meatball
RadioKate: Posing with the meatball
RadioKate: Wilson makes a new friend
RadioKate: Cruising on the moon
RadioKate: Scale of American rockets
RadioKate: T-38 at KSCVC
RadioKate: T-38 at KSCVC
RadioKate: Tigran
RadioKate: Romain expertly docks a module in space
RadioKate: Poster light-sabre wars
RadioKate: Team Sun
RadioKate: Let's go surfing now...