Walsh: halloween sunshine
Walsh: just like old times
Walsh: 15th Street Pole
Walsh: a fisher of fish
Walsh: space world of the future?
Walsh: The Breakfast Club
Walsh: down by the oceanside
Walsh: judy judy judy
Walsh: gregg sleeps on the couch
Walsh: reading my girlfriend's homework
Walsh: there isn't anything like a hotel bed
Walsh: this is what happens when genevieve sleeps
Walsh: someone else's photo of someone else's shoes
Walsh: mini mustang
Walsh: mini mustang (part two)
Walsh: butterflies on the beach
Walsh: blue wall
Walsh: the lady vieves on an island beach
Walsh: judy blue
Walsh: blue wall (part two)
Walsh: what seems to be the trouble, officer?
Walsh: seagulls on strike
Walsh: long walk, short pier
Walsh: same pier, different angle
Walsh: cargo
Walsh: it was a good breakfast
Walsh: undercover cop
Walsh: palm
Walsh: great photo, but it's not mine
Walsh: there's that shoe again