BBC Radio 5 live: The Barrow Whalers cheerleading team
BBC Radio 5 live: We hope they don't have an ice bath afterwards
BBC Radio 5 live: Some loyal Barrow Whalers fans
BBC Radio 5 live: The Barrow Whalers subs need to warm up
BBC Radio 5 live: Stephen Chittenden looks warm!
BBC Radio 5 live: The Barrow Whalers playing in the snow
BBC Radio 5 live: Stephen is a long way from home
BBC Radio 5 live: A polar bear skin
BBC Radio 5 live: There's no time to make a snowman
BBC Radio 5 live: Stephen Chittenden is stuck in the snow
BBC Radio 5 live: A boat with a moose head as its figure head
BBC Radio 5 live: On the look out for polar bears
BBC Radio 5 live: The first catch of the season draws big crowds
BBC Radio 5 live: The young locals get very excited
BBC Radio 5 live: Cheers all round after the first catch
BBC Radio 5 live: Whale meat is dragged to storage
BBC Radio 5 live: The whale meat is very heavy
BBC Radio 5 live: Trying a piece of the first catch of the season
BBC Radio 5 live: Desmond, worker at Barrow alcohol distribution Centre, cheerily braving the cold in t shirt and shorts despite minus temperatures
BBC Radio 5 live: Barrow Alcohol Distribution Centre
BBC Radio 5 live: No alcohol sign in Top of The World Hotel, Barrow
BBC Radio 5 live: Captain Leon Boyea's badge
BBC Radio 5 live: Captain Leon Boyea
BBC Radio 5 live: Sign we picked up at local health centre
BBC Radio 5 live: The wedding is well underway
BBC Radio 5 live: Happy children in the Yu'pik village of Newtok
BBC Radio 5 live: What a view as Stephen flies over Alaska
BBC Radio 5 live: At the wedding in the Yu'pik village of Newtok
BBC Radio 5 live: Coming into land
BBC Radio 5 live: In the Yu'pik village of Newtok