Mari Van Cauteren: BZZZZZZ...
Mari Van Cauteren: The little Plumpuppets are fairies of beds; They have nothing to do but to watch sleepyheads; They turn down the sheets and they tuck you in tight, And they dance on your pillow to wish you good night!
Mari Van Cauteren: Mot - macro
Mari Van Cauteren: Nature is alive
Mari Van Cauteren: Daddy-longlegs
Mari Van Cauteren: R.I.P. spider
Mari Van Cauteren: Knock Knock, hello from the other side!
Mari Van Cauteren: Pol Cosmo - Art Festival - The Christal Ship - Oostende
Mari Van Cauteren: Hoverfly on cornflower
Mari Van Cauteren: Butterfly party
Mari Van Cauteren: Plain tiger
Mari Van Cauteren: Caligo eurilochus - grote uilvlinder - grand hibou
Mari Van Cauteren: Grote boomnimfvlinder
Mari Van Cauteren: Caligo eurilochus - grote uilvlinder - grand hibou
Mari Van Cauteren: Peacock Butterfly