Nancy F photos: Doing his Puss in Boots impression.
Nancy F photos: Kitty saw something
Nancy F photos: Kitty's eyes
Nancy F photos: Kitty in a rare moment of evil-eyes
Nancy F photos: Kitty's thirsty
Nancy F photos: Enjoying a butt brushing... maybe a little too much.
Nancy F photos: Quiet cat moment on the couch.
Nancy F photos: Pleasant head scratching.
Nancy F photos: Lots of purring going on here.
Nancy F photos: Enjoying some belly scratching.
Nancy F photos: A look that says, "stop with the damned camera already"
Nancy F photos: Hi, Jules
Nancy F photos: Jules wants out
Nancy F photos: Jules still wants out
Nancy F photos: Feeding time
Nancy F photos: Jules wants Malicia's dinner
Nancy F photos: Nom nom nom
Nancy F photos: Malicia in a glowy hallway
Nancy F photos: Jules obviously finished his meal
Nancy F photos: Special Kitty
Nancy F photos: Nom nom nom
Nancy F photos: Nom nom nom x2
Nancy F photos: One of her less shy moments
Nancy F photos: Random dog