Nancy F photos: "Red Cube" sculpture by Isamu Noguchi, 1968
Nancy F photos: “Joie de Vivre” 70-foot sculpture by Mark di Suvero, 1998
Nancy F photos: Saurien Sculpture in front of IBM Building
Nancy F photos: Saurien Sculpture in front of IMB Building
Nancy F photos: IMG_5864
Nancy F photos: 9 East 57th Street
Nancy F photos: IMG_5729
Nancy F photos: IMG_5767
Nancy F photos: IMG_5768
Nancy F photos: Crying Miffy fountain, Lever House on Park Ave & 53rd Street
Nancy F photos: Crying Miffy fountain and giant Hello Kitty, Lever House on Park Ave & 53rd Street
Nancy F photos: Church Street
Nancy F photos: Hello, Woolworth Building. Corner of Church Street & Reade Street
Nancy F photos: Shandor building and church from Ghostbusters
Nancy F photos: Who ya gonna call? FDNY!
Nancy F photos: Hook & Ladder 8, aka the Ghostbusters firehouse
Nancy F photos: Hook & Ladder 8, aka the Ghostbusters firehouse
Nancy F photos: German-American Seuben Parade in New York
Nancy F photos: Watch out for speeding cabs
Nancy F photos: IMG_7201
Nancy F photos: 8th Avenue on a rainy evening
Nancy F photos: 8th Avenue bus station
Nancy F photos: Maiden Lane. Woolworth Building snuck in there too.
Nancy F photos: Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave) & 50th Street
Nancy F photos: 1254 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave)
Nancy F photos: 1251 Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave)
Nancy F photos: IMG_7273
Nancy F photos: Smokin' tube on 5th Avenue
Nancy F photos: 8th Avenue & Broadway
Nancy F photos: Central Park West & West 72nd Street