Nancy F photos: IMG_5262
Nancy F photos: IMG_5265
Nancy F photos: IMG_5274
Nancy F photos: IMG_5279
Nancy F photos: Times Square
Nancy F photos: Times Square
Nancy F photos: 42nd Street near Times Square
Nancy F photos: Madam Tussaud wax museum... and McDonalds
Nancy F photos: NYC Ducks
Nancy F photos: IMG_7577_bw_diffuse
Nancy F photos: IMG_6898
Nancy F photos: Crowded Times Square
Nancy F photos: Times Square Subway station on 42nd Street
Nancy F photos: IMG_6910
Nancy F photos: IMG_5311
Nancy F photos: US Armed Forces recruiting in Times Square
Nancy F photos: Ernst & Young, One Way, Stop
Nancy F photos: IMG_5303
Nancy F photos: IMG_5308
Nancy F photos: Hard Rock Cafe rotating billboards, Times Square. Love the metal fork.
Nancy F photos: Times Square
Nancy F photos: Times Square in grayscale
Nancy F photos: IMG_6890
Nancy F photos: IMG_5306
Nancy F photos: Times Square taxi
Nancy F photos: Times Square at 43rd Street
Nancy F photos: Freddy Kruger visits Times Square
Nancy F photos: Hershey's store in Times Square
Nancy F photos: IMG_6892
Nancy F photos: IMG_6948