Nancy F photos: Winter skating rink
Nancy F photos: IMG_9507
Nancy F photos: IMG_9509
Nancy F photos: Quebec City hotel
Nancy F photos: Quebec City hotel
Nancy F photos: Under an arch
Nancy F photos: Under an arch
Nancy F photos: Skating rink at Christmas time
Nancy F photos: Cold evening in Quebec
Nancy F photos: Winter lights
Nancy F photos: Quebec's big Christmas tree
Nancy F photos: Skating rink at Christmas time
Nancy F photos: Christmas tree behind the gate
Nancy F photos: Christmas trees behind the gates
Nancy F photos: Christmas Store
Nancy F photos: Entering Christmas Store
Nancy F photos: Christmas sale!
Nancy F photos: IMG_9623
Nancy F photos: Lti up snowman
Nancy F photos: IMG_9657
Nancy F photos: Christmas lights
Nancy F photos: Building mural
Nancy F photos: Quebec City in December
Nancy F photos: Quebec City in December
Nancy F photos: Quebec City in December