radiant star: Juvenal's Duskywing (Erynnis juvenalis)
radiant star: monarch
radiant star: monarch butterfly
radiant star: swallowtail
radiant star: Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos)
radiant star: on purple flowers
radiant star: monarch
radiant star: monarch
radiant star: black swallowtail
radiant star: red admiral
radiant star: eastern tiger swallowtails
radiant star: the monarchs are back
radiant star: mourning cloak butterfly
radiant star: mourning cloak butterfly
radiant star: 054.365 monarch showing its beauty
radiant star: monarch caterpillar egg
radiant star: just hatched caterpillar
radiant star: monarch butterfly on milkweed
radiant star: 039.365 it flew up to the neighbors evergreen tree
radiant star: right before we released it
radiant star: 038.365 resting after emerging
radiant star: the chrysalis the day before it emerged
radiant star: 028.365 our monarch caterpillar made a chrysalis
radiant star: Cabbage White Butterfly
radiant star: Pretty
radiant star: Lindsey
radiant star: Monarch Caterpillars
radiant star: Lindsey
radiant star: A butterfly
radiant star: Pretty Flowers