thealexandrak: via camera phone
thealexandrak: me(n) at work
thealexandrak: sun/star
thealexandrak: good mornin to meeee
thealexandrak: take a guess in the comments, no one will get it.
thealexandrak: Photo 245.jpg
thealexandrak: via camera phone
thealexandrak: fall is beautiful!
thealexandrak: marquee
thealexandrak: it's almost as if we're a band.. but no, not so much
thealexandrak: night time in new york
thealexandrak: take it back/on/over
thealexandrak: way too early
thealexandrak: old sky
thealexandrak: Bobby Jordan
thealexandrak: Bobby Jordan 2
thealexandrak: Kevin Seconds
thealexandrak: Sunshine in Brooklyn
thealexandrak: kristin!
thealexandrak: various cameraphone shockers
thealexandrak: various cameraphone shockers
thealexandrak: various cameraphone shockers
thealexandrak: various cameraphone shockers
thealexandrak: various cameraphone shockers
thealexandrak: action!
thealexandrak: various lines
thealexandrak: Bagged feet ladies