*Rachel_R*: The Inn at Dalwhinnie
*Rachel_R*: Home for the weekend
*Rachel_R*: At the start
*Rachel_R*: Showgirls and gambling. It's all here.
*Rachel_R*: Welcome
*Rachel_R*: Fab clouds
*Rachel_R*: Wave your hands in the air!
*Rachel_R*: I love me some camping
*Rachel_R*: IMG_0525
*Rachel_R*: Tracy
*Rachel_R*: Shandies
*Rachel_R*: Mo' magic
*Rachel_R*: The magic
*Rachel_R*: dance floor
*Rachel_R*: Ze bar
*Rachel_R*: Ze bar eet sways
*Rachel_R*: more of the swaying
*Rachel_R*: Lucy and Gema
*Rachel_R*: Nick and Sophie
*Rachel_R*: IMG_0552
*Rachel_R*: IMG_0554
*Rachel_R*: IMG_0555